
In 2003, the world’s top experts in weight control and optimal health published a 116-page World Health Organization report announcing that the best program for losing weight, preventing disease, and promoting wellness is a program, like the Pritikin Program, that recommends daily exercise and an eating plan low in fat and high in natural, fiber-rich carbohydrates (Diet, Nutrition, and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases, March 2003, World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

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In 2003, the world’s top experts in weight control and optimal health published a 116-page World Health Organization report announcing that the best program for losing weight, preventing disease, and promoting wellness is a program, like the Pritikin Program, that recommends daily exercise and an eating plan low in fat and high in natural, fiber-rich carbohydrates (Diet, Nutrition, and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases, March 2003, World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations).

At the Pritikin Longevity Center, we’ll take you on a journey back to health and vitality. Chances are, just about everything about your life will change. You’ll sleep better and wake up more refreshed. You’ll discover muscles you probably thought you had lost forever. Youth’s agility and grace will return. You’ll probably look younger, too. The Pritikin Program can, in short, transform your life.

Of course, the reward for improving your lifestyle is life itself–being able to do the things you’ve always wanted to do. Alumnus Whitney Lynn of Los Gatos, California, emboldened by his new-found energy, started working out rigorously and sailed through the finish line of his first Ironman Triathlon–at age 57! For the entire 14 hours and 58 minutes of his swim/bike/run triathlon, “I felt great.”

“I’m so charged up about what this old body can do. There’s an incredible amount of satisfaction in doing something you never, never envisioned you were capable of doing. It’s fun,” he laughs. “I really have pushed back the years.”

Ordinary, noncompetitive living is electrified with energy and vitality, too. The real dynamo of Indianapolis isn’t on the Indy 500 roadway. It’s petite, blonde Linda Melrose of Indianapolis. For 10 years, this Pritikin Longevity Center grad has remained a perfect size 8, but she’s the first to point out that the Pritikin Program is much more than a diet. “It’s all about energy, about living well,” insists the nonstop mother of five, organizer of family reunions, and business consultant. “Pritikin has given me a super-charged outlook on life, an enthusiasm that’s forever on overdrive, a belief that yes, I’m enjoying every moment of this lovely life!”

“Thank you, Pritikin, for my good health as well as that of millions of people around the earth.”

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Are you taking or considering a medication for weight loss?

By combining the Pritikin Program with Ozempic, Wegovy, or ZepBound, you can safely accelerate weight loss, reduce side effects, preserve lean body mass, and enhance long-term metabolic health for optimal success.