Is the Pritikin Program Sustainable?

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1.6 min read

After having a stent put in his heart, Stan Chlebowski had lost and regained the same 20 pounds back several times. After a friend told him Pritikin had made his father “a new man,” Stan and his wife couldn’t wait to check in to the Pritikin Center.

Before Returning Home From Pritikin

152 Days After Returning Home From Pritikin

In this video, Stan shares the incredible success he achieved during his stay at Pritikin. He lost 44 pounds and reduced his diabetes type II medication. He found it easier to walk, easier to breathe, and felt better overall. He left the Pritikin Center feeling like a “new man” and was on his way to starting a new life. In this follow-up video, Stan updates us on his progress. As with most of our guests, he not only sustained the Pritikin Program – he flourished. After following the Pritikin Program for 178 days, he’d lost 114 pounds. He’s off all medication for high blood pressure, and his blood sugar is below 100. He says his doctors at home are “amazed” at the results he has achieved.

What Can Pritikin Do For You?

Have you lost and regained the same weight over and over? Do you want to reduce your reliance on medication? Like Stan, you too can feel better and look better. A stay with us will change your life.

Learn More About a Life Changing Experience at Pritikin

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