Arthritis Pain Relief

Arthritis Pain Relief | Weight Loss

One of the most important things you can do to control the pain of arthritis is to lose weight, certainly one of the benefits of the Pritikin Program. Excess weight puts added stress on the joints in your back, hips, knees, and feet – all places where arthritis pain is commonly felt. When you rid your body of excess pounds, you may very likely be ridding yourself of pain.

Arthritis Pain Relief | Regular Exercise

Regular exercise – one of the hallmarks of the Pritikin Program – can help combat the two most common problems for people with arthritis: pain and fatigue. Walking at least 30 minutes daily will certainly promote weight loss as well. Daily exercise can also increase strength and stability in weakened muscles and joints.

Arthritis Pain Relief | Relaxation Techniques

At the Pritikin Longevity Center, too, you’ll learn relaxation techniques that can help decrease muscle tension and pain.

“Give it all you’ve got.”

You may, in fact, discover more strength and endurance than you ever thought possible. Three decades ago, plagued by claudication and arthritis, Julius Spielberg, age 72, attended the Pritikin Longevity Center. Today, at a very robust 101 years, Julius remains virtually medication-free and is race-walking competitively in the Senior Olympics Competitions at the state, national, and international level. He has received 20 Gold Medals in both the 1,500 meter and 5,000 meter events.

“Don’t slow up, I always tell my friends and family,” says the centenarian. “Give it all you’ve got. I know I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for the discipline – and inspiration! – I learned at Pritikin years ago.”

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