Planning a vacation? Why not make it a healthy experience?

The opportunity to plan a vacation is usually a welcome escape from the turmoil of occupational obligations. Whether your search for the perfect getaway begins online or as a daydream during office hours – the options are limitless.

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The opportunity to plan a vacation is usually a welcome escape from the turmoil of occupational obligations. Whether your search for the perfect getaway begins online or as a daydream during office hours – the options are limitless.

For those overworked diligent souls in desperate need of rejuvenation – visions of tropical seascapes, high-altitude solitude, exotic excursions in the South Pacific, or perhaps a mildly self-destructive bender in the heart of a megalopolitan social district are common furloughs from the daily grind – but an increasing number of Americans are investing in a burgeoning trend among the elite. In fact many executives, entrepreneurs, distinguished professionals, and workaholics are finding refuge in resorts designed to send you home healthier, fit, and balanced.

In 2012, more Americans spent their vacations at Health Resorts than in any previous year. Health resorts are luxury hotels hidden away from the stressors of city or suburban life, designed specifically to provide guests with an experience which revitalizes their bodies and lifestyle. A growing trend among the elite, health resorts are often considered the catalyst for building a healthier, longer, and invigorating lifestyle – as they afford guests a refuge to focus on reinventing their lifestyle.

Five Reasons You Should Take a Health-Oriented Vacation

  1. Improve your personal wellness rather than detract from it

    Its a common feeling to return from a vacation exhausted. Most of us who work long hours and endure a high-stress occupation strive to “get the most” out of our free time – cramming a vacation which should last a month into a week or two. Traveling (internationally and domestically at this point) is physically taxing, expensive, and usually requires meticulous scheduling to get where you need to go and to make the most of the time. Pushing yourself to do as much as you can with your vacation often precludes relaxation, depriving you of an experience which is supposed to provide time away from stressful behavior.

    A healthy vacation spent at a health resort provides an opportunity to reset your lifestyle – to rejuvenate your body in lavish, stress-free accommodations while getting fit, eating right, and actually losing weight. In fact, most health resorts in the U.S and abroad are all-inclusive, which means everything from gourmet meals to the daily agenda require no extra effort on your part. No planning, scheduling, or decisions – just show up and focus on discovering a healthier you.

  2. Its an investment that stays with you

    Vacations are a total loss financially, no matter how you look at it. While the financial justification may hail from the concepts of “freedom” or “earning it” – you’re still funding the local tourism economy wherever you go. There is no ROI to vacationing – hotel accommodations, transportation, restaurant dining, activities….not to mention the clothing you buy for the trip or the money spent coordinating recreation all come out of your pocket. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

    Health resorts send you home with a new perspective on eating right, exercising, and a less-stressful approach to living. Unlike traditional vacations, you don’t walk away with souvenirs, photos/videos, or memories – you stride confidently into a new era in your life. Your investment in a health resort returns knowledge on how to live longer, stronger, and happier. That in and of itself, is priceless.

  3. It kickstarts a healthier approach to living

    Most career-oriented professionals consider a vacation an escape or period of freedom, but rarely take it as an opportunity to improve their lifestyle. High-stress, demanding occupations leave little time to focus on personal health, often precipitating significant medical consequences. Instead of perpetuating unhealthy behaviors (i.e. diets inclusive of high salt, cholesterol, saturated fat, and sugar concentrations) during vacation time, health resorts provide an opportunity for guests to discover clinically proven techniques to reduce cholesterol, lower blood pressure naturally, and lose weight consistently.

    The transition to a healthy lifestyle can be a daunting task for career-minded individuals (and couples!) – it takes significant time commitment and discipline to adhere to a diet and exercise regiment. This is often the point of failure for aspiring health conscious professionals. Remarkably, a week long stay at a health resort can be all it takes to modify unhealthy behaviors and send guests home with a commitment to eat right and stay fit. While diligence and commitment are requisites for maintaining a healthy lifestyle over time, staying at a health resort can be an effective (and necessary) catalyst to incite change.

  4. It provides an opportunity to bond with your partner while improving wellness

    For vacationing couples, visions of romantic getaways often reflect eloping to exotic destinations where peace and tranquility abound, but nothing says “i love you” quite like making the gesture of living longer together. Longevity centers and health resorts provide an excellent opportunity for vacationing couples to get fit together, to define a healthier lifestyle together, and to serve as a source of encouragement in moments of weakness when the temptation to regress into unhealthy habits comes calling. Support is everything when defining a healthier lifestyle; sharing the experience with a partner makes the experience more rewarding.

    While solitude and time away from the real-world may be the goal of vacationing together, the experience of a health resort can leave a lasting impression and strengthen relationships – as commitment and dedication are significant factors in building a healthy lifestyle. Discovering a healthier lifestyle with a partner is a rewarding experience, one that can be shared for years to come.

  5. Its a luxurious alternative to vacations that make you lazy

    While soaking up the sun in a lounge chair sipping a tropical drink may be the vision of paradise for many Americans, increasing your risk of skin cancer while imbibing libations which tax your liver isn’t the healthiest thing you can do for your body. Vacationers around the world take their time off as an opportunity to disregard their normal lifestyle and indulge in food, drinks, and laziness – but short term indulgence does little to further a longer, healthier life.

    Rather than let yourself go for a few days, why not take the opposite approach and super-charge your metabolism with whole foods, exercise, and feelings of rejuvenation? Escaping a sedentary lifestyle to be sedentary on vacation is counterproductive in the context of making the most of your time off. Returning from a health resort feeling empowered and enthusiastic about life is a feeling of luxury that rivals nearly any destination escape.

How much does it cost and what does it take to plan a healthy vacation

Depending on the exclusivity of the resort you choose, as well as the amenities or special programs offered – spending a vacation at a health resort is financially comparable to an international trip. When you factor hotel accommodations, airfare, dining out, shopping, and recreational activities the costs add up quickly. At an all-inclusive health and wellness resort the cost of food, accommodation and recreational activities are all covered. While rates often vary by season, the rates are reasonable considering the breadth of modality specific programs.

  • Typically more affordable than a luxury vacation

    Luxury week long vacations, domestic and abroad, can easily run in excess of $10,000.00. Considering most of that money goes to travel, accommodations, shopping, entertainment, and dining – there’s little, if any, personal benefit gained from the experience. For substantially less than $10,000.00, you can immerse yourself in an experience focused on improving the vitality and longevity of your body – an investment which pays dividends by adding years onto your life. Money spent improving your well being and metabolic health is an investment in your future, not just a handful of days away from the office.

  • Rates vary depending on your length of stay

    Most health resorts offer packages which are seasonally based with rates varying on the length of your stay. Expect to pay anywhere between $3000 and $5500 for a one week stay, and up to $12,000 for two weeks at peak season (usually in the winter time). Depending on the nature of the program you prefer, as well as the amenities provided by the resort, most guests can anticipate that fees paid will cover everything. All-inclusive rates are actually more cost effective in the long-run as resorts factor these expense into their programs. If you were to pay “a la carte” for an all-inclusive package at a health resort, the costs of the experience would almost double.

  • There are many seasons to accomodate your schedule

    Its not always feasible to take a vacation during the peak time of the year, which is why most health resorts offer seasonal programs to make the most of your schedule. While the experience at a health resort doesn’t change dramatically based on the time of year you plan to visit – the rates do, which means if you’re flexible in selecting your vacation time – you can reduce the cost of your experience by visiting in the off-season. Clever jetsetters and health vacation connoisseurs are quick to take advantage of lower seasonal rates by aligning their travel schedules specifically for off season – a strategy that affords a luxury wellness getaway at up to half the cost.

  • All-inclusive means hassle free

    The all-inclusive approach is always the right approach when it comes to vacationing at a health resort. While many resorts do provide “a la carte” experiences, to take full advantage of everything a resort has to offer – it’s best to invest in the full package. While the cost of an all-inclusive package may include food, accommodations, and recreation…the real value is the knowledge and experience you take home.

    When you invest in an all-inclusive health resort or wellness spa, you are actually investing in yourself. The price you pay to take a healthy vacation comes back to you in the form of a longer, healthier life. While it’s impossible to put a price on learning to live healthy, learning to eat right, stay fit, and increase the vitality of your body is absolutely invaluable.

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