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Your January Weight Loss Guide

5.3 min read

Bust a move

There’s growing popularity in fad diets, but there are limited studies that actually suggest these are beneficial and lead to long-term weight loss. Most fad diets involve extremely low caloric intake for short periods of time, but tend to lead to weight gain once a normal diet is resumed. But, short bursts of high intensity training have shown remarkable improvements in cardiovascular health and weight loss. Ah ha! Moving is great for you. And, moving appears to be highly effective. Go on and make your January Weight Loss Guide personalized. Whether it is dancing, marching or pedaling be active in a way you find fun. Being active helps trim your midsection, but it also lifts your mood, boosts your energy levels, and strengthens both your muscles and your heart. Find an activity you’re passionate about and you’ll soon find yourself moving more often. If pain is a concern, here’s how to exercise without pain.

Toast your health

Raise your glass and toast your health! Then, drink down that delicious water. Water? Yes, drinking water helps with weight management. When adults (about 60 years old) drank a glass of water about 30 minutes before a meal, they ate 13 percent fewer calories. Water helps you feel full. Toasting your health with other drinks, such as soda pops, energy drinks, coffee shop beverages and alcohol, will not help you lose weight fast. Let your January Weight Loss Guide literally steer you away from these drinks. Sure, these sugary drinks seem convenient during your busy days. Yet, convenience foods tend to be full of saturated fats and added sugars. Eating these frequently may disrupt how the brain interprets thirst, according to a group of Australian researchers. If you’re unable to intuitively tell you’re thirsty, you won’t drink the water you need to keep you feeling satiated, and ultimately it makes it harder for you to lose weight.

Eat more plants

Eating more plants fuels your body with nutrients it needs to feel more energetic, strong and youthful. Is it effective to eat more fruits and veggies for weight loss? Yes. Plus, it may help you keep the weight off! Studies have shown that seeking out vegetables, instead of other less healthy foods, reduces one’s risk of weight gain. Eating more plants may also help shrink your waist lines: eating three more vegetable servings a day led to the equivalence of a 1 cm reduction in waist circumference in a study of adult women. What’s the best way to use plants to help you lose weight fast? Swap those mashed potatoes and gravy, fries or garlic bread for a side of salad or vegetables. You will feel just as full, but eat fewer calories. Are you surprised? It’s true – you can lose weight fast without being hungry!

Believe You Can

Not sure where to start? According to Pritikin Longevity Center, Chef Vincent Della Polla, “If you can chop, you can cook!”. Guests at the Pritikin Longevity Center in Florida get to hang out with Vincent and become rock stars in the kitchen turning simple dishes into flavorful, rich gourmet meals.

This January, the weight is coming off. And, the Pritikin experts are here to help. From helpful, science-backed articles right here at your fingertips, to gourmet meals delivered to your door, to a beautiful resort filled with dedicated professionals that’ll inspire you with an “I can do this” approach to healthy living. This year is going to be your best year yet!

  • Water consumption reduces energy intake in adults. J Am Diet Assoc. July 2008: 108(7):1236-1239.
  • Thirst interoception and its relationship to Western-style diet. Physiol Behav 2015 Feb;139:432-9.
  • Popular weight loss strategies. Curr Gastroenterol Rep 2017 Nov 9;19(12);61.
  • The relationship between vegetable intake and weight outcomes. Nutrients 2018, 10(11):1626.
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