Ask the Experts: “Are gluten-free foods healthier?”

Gluten-free foods are for people who have celiac disease, a condition in which you lack the digestive capability to break down the protein gluten, which is found in wheat, rye, and barley products.

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Are gluten-free foods healthier?
Gluten-free foods are for people who have celiac disease, a condition in which you lack the digestive capability to break down the protein gluten, which is found in wheat, rye, and barley products.

What about the rest of us?  Are gluten-free foods healthier?

Just because a food is “gluten-free” does not mean it is healthy overall. Remember “fat free” foods that were loaded with sugar and refined carbohydrates like white flour?

And “sugar-free” foods that were full of butter and other heart-damaging fats?

Similarly, many of the “gluten-free” products on the market these days, such as cereals, breads, and pastas, are just as high in calorie density and sodium as regular gluten-containing products. Sometimes, they have an even worse nutrition profile.

If you think you have celiac disease, make an appointment to talk with your doctor. If you find out you do, study “gluten free” food labels just as carefully as you study regular foods.

Kimberly Gomer, Registered Dietitian and Educator at Pritikin

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