
Even though heart disease kills more men in America than virtually all other causes of death combined, heart disease and its many risk factors, including high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes, are almost completely preventable for at least 90% of us by adopting the Pritikin way of life.

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Even though heart disease kills more men in America than virtually all other causes of death combined, heart disease and its many risk factors, including high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes, are almost completely preventable for at least 90% of us by adopting the Pritikin way of life.

It’s amazing when you think about it. The #1 cause of death in the U.S. is almost completely preventable just by changing our diet and lifestyles. And there are no negative implications. No side effects like muscle aches and cognitive decline from cholesterol-lowering drugs. No impotence caused by other drugs, particularly blood-pressure-lowering ones. And far less likelihood of ending up in the hospital with a heart attack. With the Pritikin Program, the news is all good.

Taking care of your arteries takes care of just about everything else, too, including your sex life. Numerous studies over the past decade have found that what’s good for your heart – such as losing weight, staying fit, and eating a heart-healthy diet like Pritikin – has also been found to significantly decrease the risk of erectile dysfunction.

Sure, take heart medications like statins if you need to. But wouldn’t it be great to reduce, maybe even eliminate, your dosages and their potential side effects, and stay away from hospitals for procedures like angioplasties and coronary bypass surgery? It’s all possible with the Pritikin Program.

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