Lower Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure Medications and Exercise
“People often have the impression that if they’re taking blood pressure medications, they don’t have to change the ... -
Blood Pressure Guidelines | 130 Is the New “High”
With a blood pressure reading of 130/80, “you’ve already doubled your risk of cardiovascular complications compared to ... -
Statins, Diabetes, Diet, and the “Tony Roma” Effect
“Pills are merely a band aid,” points out Kimberly Gomer, Director of Nutrition at the Pritikin Center. “A ... -
Do You Have Masked Hypertension?
Masked hypertension poses the same dangers that any diagnosis of hypertension has, including increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, kidney ... -
Staying Fit: National High Blood Pressure Education
What Is Blood Pressure? As blood pushes against artery walls, it creates a force. This force is your blood pressure ... -
High Blood Pressure Symptoms
If you suspect you have hypertension, you may be asking, “What are common high blood pressure symptoms?” In ... -
I never put salt on anything. Why do I have high blood pressure?
It’s important to know that about 75% of the salt (sodium-chloride) Americans eat every day does not ...