One in Every Six Men Will Get Prostate Cancer

An American man dies every 18 minutes from prostate cancer. The time to act is now – before you get the disease, before you’re forced to endure prostate cancer surgery and its many miseries, like impotence, urinary incontinence, and a shortened penis.

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Recently, scientists at UCLA discovered how remarkably powerful prevention measures were. They found that the Pritikin® Program of Diet and Exercise destroyed prostate cancer cells in the lab setting. That’s right, the Pritikin Program induced the prostate cancer cells to die.

The scientists discovered that blood samples of men who had recently gone through the two-week program at the Pritikin Longevity Center were 13 times more effective at killing off prostate cancer cells than blood samples taken from the very same men before they had attended the Pritikin Center. (Cancer Causes and Control, 2002. 13: 929)

“If you catch prostate cancer early on and adopt the Pritikin Program, you can significantly increase your odds of living your life free of invasive prostate cancer,” stated Dr. James Barnard, professor of physiological science at UCLA and lead investigator of the study.

All that matters is you. And your life.

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