Prevent Cancer Diet and Lifestyle Plan

As many as 39% of common cancers like colon, breast, and prostate cancer could be prevented by improvements in our diet, exercise habits, and weight management, reported an international team of 23 top cancer experts.

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As many as 39% of common cancers like colon, breast, and prostate cancer could be prevented by improvements in our diet, exercise habits, and weight management, reported an international team of 23 top cancer experts.

Twenty-three leading oncologists researched the occurrence of the 12 most common cancers across the world and determined that lifestyle can play a significant role in the incidence of cancer. In studies conducted in Britain and America, they found that as many as 39% of the most common cancer cases could be prevented by an improvement in these nations ’ overall diet, exercise habits, and weight management.

One study found that if men in Britain made just one lifestyle change – consuming less red meat (no more than 3 ounces a day) – their incidence of colorectal cancer would drop 14%.

Another study found that men and women who did not smoke, drank alcohol sparingly, cut down on red and processed meats, kept their weight under control, and avoided diabetes were able to substantially reduce their risk of colorectal cancer.

Prevent cancer diet

In addition to cutting out foods high in saturated fat like red meat, we must also ramp up our intake of fruits and vegetables. And when it comes to preventing cancer, vitamins are no substitute for a fruit-and-veggie-rich diet. A study by the National Cancer Institute showed that the supplement folic acid, the synthetic form of folate, might actually increase the rate of prostate cancer as well as precancerous polyp growths in the colon. Natural folate, found in leafy greens and other foods, decreased this risk.

Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective
European Journal of Cancer Prevention, May 2009.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, March 18, 2009.
International Journal of Cancer, July 1, 2009.

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