Health and Nutrition Awareness for Kids

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5.8 min read
Healthy Kids Resource Guide

Healthy Kids Resource Guide

Being healthy is extremely important to maintain a well balanced self. But sometimes we forget to make those healthy choices when we are traveling or busy! Sometimes it is just easier to grab fast food because it’s quick and you don’t need to leave your car. But there are plenty of other healthy choices that you can be making. So here is a little bit of advice…

First off, educating kids about good nutrition from an early age helps them create and maintain a well balanced, healthy life. You too, can be reminded of the healthy choices that you should be making as well as you teach. Teaching kids about nutrition at an early age also helps minimize the health concerns that are associated with a poor diet. Making these smart healthy choices everyday is very important to stay well, healthy, and happy!

Games & Activities

  • Breakfast Detective – A fun, beginner’s game to food matching. Read the clues and then drag and drop the right foods into the respective circles.
  • Quintricious! – A fun game where you must help Little D match foods into the same food group.
  • Memory Food Detective – A fun matching memory game where you must match the food with the right food group.
  • Food Group Frenzy – Sort the falling foods into the correct food groups before they hit the ground.
  • Nutrition Cafe – Pacific Science Center’s page full nutrition oriented games.
  • Food Champs – A fun children’s game website that provides information on fruits and vegetables.
  • Dining Decisions – A fun game where you need to make healthy food choices.
  • MyPlate Match Game – A great matching game that tests your knowledge of the 5 food groups.
  • Nutrition For Kids – Fun learning activities and puzzles for kids.
  • DLTK Kids Nutrition Activities – A page full of nutrition activities and crafts for kids.
  • Jump Bunch – This page provides many different fun fitness games for kids to play.


  • Nutrition Webquest – This webquest will teach you about nutrients, the food pyramid, and dietary guidelines.
  • Healthy Eating Webquest – This fun webquest you’ll be researching junk food and preparing a brochure to educate on what junk food contains. You will also create a prevention campaign that’ll influence kids to make healthier choices in the food they eat.
  • Fabulous Five Nutrition Webquest – In this webquest, you’ll be researching the food groups.
  • Nutrition Exploration – This webquest is designed for 4th graders. In this webquest you are to gather information about the food and place them in the appropriate food group.
  • Sean’s Nutrition Webquest – Help Jethro figure out why he has a stomache ache and is constantly feeling tired.
  • Help Uncle Rupert Get Healthy – In this webquest you will be helping your Uncle Rubert, who is severely overweight, change his lifestyle.
  • Fast Food Webquest – In this webquest you are to find information about the nutritional content of typical fast food products.
  • Healthy Kids – This webquest provides tests on nutrition and fitness.
  • Kids and Fitness Webquest – In this webquest, the task is to find your ideal weight, how to eat properly, and fit in exercise into your daily life.


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