The 7 Best Strategies for Weight Loss and Health

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2.9 min read

Here are 7 very popular stories on our Pritikin website.  They describe best strategies for weight loss and health.  You’ll get science-based weight-loss tips. Key tactics for lowering cholesterol.  An easy 5-day meal plan.  The best exercise plan for burning fat.  Tips for whipping up healthy food in no time.  And last but not least, inspiration to exercise.

  • Weight-Loss Plan – Rule #1

    It may shock you, but this key rule for losing weight and getting lean can be stated very simply.

    Get the Rule »

  • 5 Tactics To Reduce Cholesterol

    If you’re serious about lowering your cholesterol, particularly LDL bad cholesterol, follow these tactics.  They’re all based on lifestyle changes, not drugs.  What’s more, they have powerful, scientifically-proven success.

    Get the Tactics »

  • Easy 5-Day Meal Plan for Weight Loss

    This plan is all about eating more to help you weigh less. And it’s about simple tips in the kitchen that just may turn out to be your best strategies for weight loss and health.

    Get the Meal Plan »

  • The Best Exercise Plan for Burning Fat

    What exercise is best for burning fat? Building a healthy heart? Helping you feel more vibrant and alive? Easy to maintain?  Find out.

    Get the Exercise Plan »

  • Get Serious!

    Take life to the next level, and be the healthiest you can be. That’s what a vacation at the Pritikin Longevity Center + Spa is all about.

    Learn More »

  • 5 Tips For Making Healthy Food Fast

    Here are five time-saving secrets from Chef Anthony and his team at the Pritikin Longevity Center, including a skillet-free supper, fresh herbs whenever you need them, and tasty tofu in no time.

    Get the Tips »

  • Staying On Track With Your Fitness Plans

    Concerned your exercise program will fall by the wayside when life gets crazy?  Our exercise experts at the Pritikin Longevity Center offer 10 tips for long-term success.

    Get the Tips »

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