Knowledge is More Blissful

If “ignorance is bliss,” then knowledge is even more blissful because it leads to lasting, positive behaviors rather than the temporary peace of self-deception.

What’s more, recent research suggests that positive behaviors like healthy eating and a physically active lifestyle can enhance not only our physical fitness but our mental fitness as well. 

3.1 min read

Digest These Facts and Develop an Appetite for Change

If “ignorance is bliss,” then knowledge is even more blissful because it leads to lasting, positive behaviors rather than the temporary peace of self-deception.

What’s more, recent research suggests that positive behaviors like healthy eating and a physically active lifestyle can enhance not only our physical fitness but our mental fitness as well. 

At Pritikin, our professional staff is dedicated to teaching you the most important, accurate, and current information to fuel your drive to make positive, permanent lifestyle changes.

In an earlier article (“Use the Three M’s to Stay on Track”), I emphasized the importance of identifying your personal motivation to stay the course when you return home. Time after time, guests will tell me that something they heard in one of our lectures changed their lives and made the decision to chuck the cheese and cork the bottle easier than pie!

Because temptation is all around us, and we are served food fallacies on a daily basis, I want to offer you some interesting new “dish” on the benefits of the Pritikin eating, exercise, and stress management recommendations. Review these new findings and make a determination to keep your mind as fit as your body.

  1. Insulin resistance may contribute to impaired learning and memory.
  2. People who aren’t active are 14% more likely to experience headaches.
  3. Physically fit women between 50 and 90 have better blood flow to the brain and higher scores on tests of memory, reasoning, and thinking.
  4. Living with stress releases hormones that are associated with damage to the hippocampus, resulting in difficulty with learning and memory.

When you’re stressed or down and have the urge to collapse on the couch with your favorite indulgence rather than exercising and snacking on fruit or veggies, review your reasons for committing to the Pritikin lifestyle. Remember the impact of poor choices on memory and cognitive function as well as on your waistline. Knowledge will give you the power to resist urges for momentary pleasure and make choices for healthy living!

Yours in Good Health,
Susan E. Grober, Ph.D.

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