So Now What: Getting Healthy and Staying Healthy

Getting motivated can be easy. You have your eye on the goal, and track your success. Bur what do you do when you’ve reached a healthy weight and fitness level, and your blood work’s never looked so good? For a while, feeling good and enjoying the new you is enough. Just like a new business venture or a new relationship can be a "high" so can achieving your life style goals. With time, though, people tend to take their blessings for granted.

3.0 min read

Getting motivated can be easy. You have your eye on the goal, and track your success. Bur what do you do when you’ve reached a healthy weight and fitness level, and your blood work’s never looked so good?

For a while, feeling good and enjoying the new you is enough. Just like a new business venture or a new relationship can be a “high” so can achieving your life style goals. With time, though, people tend to take their blessings for granted.

Caution, danger ahead!

Without renewed determination and new challenges, you may find those pounds creeping back on and those appointments with yourself at the gym falling off.

Prepare for this phase by anticipating it, and when your scale tells you what your mind won’t, listen to it!

Now’s the time to hire a trainer, get a coach, call Pritikin for another visit, and it’s a time to use every tool in the Pritikin toolbox to stay with the program.

Spend time on this web site. Read and re-read your notebook. Review the sections on life style change to see how to motivate yourself and deal with stress. Look at the nutrition information and medical facts and take this knowledge to heart, the same heart Pritikin’s heart healthy diet protects!

And new goals can put punch back in your personal Pritikin program at home. If you’re fit as a fiddle, try a new sport. If you really had a different goal weight and picked your current weight as the only realistic one, go for the weight you had initially wanted. Add yoga or meditation. Find other pleasures in your life, and remember the ones you couldn’t enjoy before you had reached your goal. These benefits can slip away, along with your determination.

It’s human nature to take our good fortune for granted, but remember, we create our good fortune with our intentions, so mind your mind, and your body will thank you for it.!

Best Regards,
Susan E. Grober, Ph.D.

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