Stay Online to Stay In Line

For Pritikin grads, your online membership is a wonderful addition to the tools you learned while a guest at Pritikin. When you leave the Center, you take your knowledge, successes, and enthusiasm with you, which bolsters your progress toward a healthier you at home. Yet, sometimes, you might feel your resolve wavering, and you don’t have the benefit of fellow guests and Pritikin staff applauding your victories, and motivating you when you’re feeling ambivalent. So what do you do? Log in and find out!.

4.7 min read

Use your membership to keep your goals in site!

For Pritikin grads, your online membership is a wonderful addition to the tools you learned while a guest at Pritikin. When you leave the Center, you take your knowledge, successes, and enthusiasm with you, which bolsters your progress toward a healthier you at home. Yet, sometimes, you might feel your resolve wavering, and you don’t have the benefit of fellow guests and Pritikin staff applauding your victories and motivating you when you’re feeling ambivalent. So what do you do? Log in and find out!

When you return home, people will notice the new bounce in your step, your new jeans, and your new commitment to exercise, and I bet all of you come home to compliments from close friends and family. Still, when sharing meals, challenges may emerge.  Some days, it may seem as if everyone has an opinion about what — or how much — you’re eating, and you may start to feel like the only person in the world who says “no” to steak and salt! Over time, you may feel your resolve slipping, and your diet gets looser while your waistband gets tighter.

Your membership can become your best friend and ally in your commitment to continued good health! So don’t let your wonderful new exercise, eating, and stress management habits lapse. Instead, sign on, click, and find the help you need. Once you’re on “site,” you’re surrounded by a world of information and support.

Here are some suggestions for using our online community to stay motivated and healthy:

  1. Read my action plan every week. You’ll learn how to outsmart bad habits and keep up the progress you’ve made toward a healthier you.
  2. Use the online journal and charts to track your goals, successes, challenges, and insights. If you write it down, it’s real. And you can assess where you are and where you want to be next month. That’s a sure way to make progress.
  3. Attend a “continuing education” class: Watch one of Kimberly, Jay, or Tracey’s videos and learn more ways to make healthy eating work in your life.  Remember that knowledge is power, and the more you understand about nutrition, the easier it is to make good choices.
  4. Check out some tasty new recipes, and add variety to your diet. Don’t let boredom send you to the cookie aisle!
  5. Become a presence in our Pritikin online community: Create a blog and share your journey to good health with other Pritikin guests. Use your insights, humor, experience, and progress to inspire and inform. Share your challenges as well. We can all learn from each other, which is one of the wonderful aspects of actually staying at Pritikin. Now you can do it “virtually” and create a web of on-going connections.
  6. Access support and get questions answered in the forums: Imagine you’re in Pritikin’s dining room or the Captain’s Lounge, speaking with a new friend you’ve made. Then, post your comment or dilemma to a forum and hear what your fellow guests think.

There are so many other ways to use our new membership site to “virtually extend” your time at Pritikin. So sign on this week and get inspired. It’s the next best thing to being here!

Best Regards,
Susan E. Grober, Ph.D.

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