I Lost 100 Pounds and Changed My Life

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1.7 min read

‘”I was sick and tired of being sick and tired,” he recalled.

It was then that he decided to get his energy and his life back. He wanted to feel happy in his own skin again.

Once he embarked on the journey at the Pritikin Longevity Center, it only took him three weeks to feel great again. During that time he went down from 299 to 272 pounds, and since then he’s lost a total of 100 pounds. He says that Pritikin has brought back the joy and the zest in his life – and that’s why he now continues to come back at least once a year.

“It’s just changed my life,” he said.

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Are you taking or considering a medication for weight loss?

By combining the Pritikin Program with Ozempic, Wegovy, or ZepBound, you can safely accelerate weight loss, reduce side effects, preserve lean body mass, and enhance long-term metabolic health for optimal success.